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Secure® Denture Adhesive Strips
Secure® Denture Adhesive Strips

Secure® Denture Adhesive Strips

Item #072145
Size: 15 Strips
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Product & Label Information

Secure® Denture Adhesive Strips Description

From the Manufacturer's Label

Extra Strong Hold

Easy to Use

Taste Free

The solution for lower denture problems. Secure® Denture Adhesive Strips create a strong bond even for flat/narrow lower jaws.

Manufactured by Secure®

About Puritan’s Pride

For more than 50 years, Puritan's Pride has helped families achieve a lifestyle of wellness. Our vitamins and supplements are made with care from the highest quality ingredients. They are tested or inspected as many as 15 times throughout the manufacturing process. That's why you can shop with confidence. We take pride in our products and helping customers feel their best.

Directions: 1. Clean and dry your lower denture thoroughly before applying SECURE Adhesive strips. 2. Remove the foil on both sides of the strips before using. To easily remove the foil, bend cushion slightly. 3. Apply the cushion inside the lower denture and press firmly in place. Press out any air bubbles. 4. If necessary, trim cushion with scissors to fit denture. 5. Insert denture into mouth and bite firmly. For best results, wait 15 minutes before eating or drinking

Other Ingredients: Mygliol (Derived from Glycerin), Polyvinylacetate (non water-soluble ingredient used as the base in many chewing gums), Sodium Carboxymethylcellulose (derived from tree bark) Glycerintracetate.

WARNING: 1. Those with sensitive gums may experience a mild burning or tingling sensation when they first put the dentures in. This should pass. 2. SECURE Adhesive Strips are not intended for use with soft lining dentures. 3. Consult your dentist regularly to ensure dentures fit properly. 4. Keep out of reach of children.