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Trial Sizes

Melatonin 10 mg Trial Size

Melatonin 10 mg Trial Size

10 mg / 30 Rapid Release Capsules
Other options available
1 for $3.99

Trial Size Vitamins and Supplements

We understand that you may want to try vitamins and supplements before stocking your pantry. Therefore, Puritan's Pride offers top-selling vitamins and supplements in trial sizes. Depending on the type of supplement, each bottle has 15 to 30 pills, which will be enough to try the vitamins for 2 to 4 weeks. Buying a smaller bottle size allows you to try the product without making a long term commitment.  This is a great way to slowly introduce vitamins as part of your wellness goals.  

Travel Size Vitamins

Whether traveling away from home for vacation or a business trip, keeping up with your daily vitamin and supplement routine is important.  Puritan’s Pride travel size vitamin bottles are great for travel.  The bottles are small, making it easy to pack in your carry-on or suit case.  Packing travel size vitamins and supplements with you on vacation may help maintain your vitamin regimen.

Buy Travel Size Vitamins

Shop Trial Size Vitamins online at Puritan’s Pride®.  We offer 12 vitamins in trial size including Milk Thistle, Hydrolyzed Collagen, Omega-3 Fish Oil, Multivitamin Gummies and more.  Our vitamins are tested or inspected as many as 15 times, ensuring that our products are potent and consistent.  They are also manufactured right here in the U.S.A., with ingredients sourced from around the world.